Bringing a new cavalier puppy home requires love & care!

Are you planning to buy or adopt a cavalier puppy for your home? The transition of the cavalier from puppy store to home is not easy and it requires special attention. A new cavalier puppy that just came to the world learns too many things but also needs to learn &trained for home. They become used to sleeping, eating, playing, snuggling and pottying along with other puppies. Once they are taken to a new home, it becomes hard for them to adjust. Cavalier puppies start crying for one-two night and you need to pay attention and give them love.

Tips to take care of new cavalier puppy:

  1. Spend time with the puppy and play with it. Throw toys and run around with it. Make your kids play with it and chase around.
  2. Get some obstacles & toys from pet store so that cavalier puppy enjoys
  3. Prepare his resting place or crate so that after playing cavalier puppy just sleeps in
  4. Place a blanket over the puppy while he sleeps at night in the crate
  5. Have a puppy pen with a potty area and toys around as new cavalier puppy requires time to settle
  6. Take the Cavalier puppy for small leisurely walks
  7. Get all the vaccinations done at the veterinary
  8. Schedule appointment with veterinary doctor for regular checkups
  9. Hugging the puppy will make it feel better
  10. Little talks with new cavalier puppy will also pump up his morale

Cavapoo puppies are smart & affectionate breed and it is fit for home as they are friendly with humans.

Explore to find out about cavalier puppies for sale, Cavapoo puppies adoption. Call: 360-837-2300

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